District Heating

Grenaa Varmeværk, Denmark

Savosolar was happy to sign its so far largest delivery contract with Grenaa Varmeværk in 2018. Savosolar’s highly efficient Savo 15 premium collectors are installed right next to an existing solar collector field which had been commissioned in 2014.

In this turn-key project Savosolar acts as the main contractor enlarging the solar fraction of the district heating network. Its operator, Grenaa Varmeværk, is producing about 146,000 MWh of heat per year. By using solar thermal it has managed to keep their customers´ heat price among the lowest in the whole of Denmark.

The new solar field with Savosolar collectors will increase the overall solar yield and ensure lowest energy production costs also in the future.

Collector area

20,673 m²

Collector type

Savo 15 SG-M

Solar capacity

14.5 MW


Grenaa, Denmark

Installation year


Energy sources

Solar thermal, biomass, heat pump