Correction to release: Savo-Solar distributes incentive options to personnel

Savo-Solar Plc Company Announcement                  18 September 2017 at 9.30 a.m. (CEST) Correction to release: Savo-Solar distributes incentive options to personnel In the English company announcement released today at 7.30 (CEST) the subscription price was incorrect. The correct subscription price is EUR 0.12 and not EUR 0.05 as given in the announcement. The Finnish version of […]

Savo-Solar distributes incentive options to personnel

Savo-Solar Plc Company Announcement                  18 September 2017 at 7:30 a.m. (CEST) Savo-Solar distributes incentive options to personnel The Board of Directors of Savo-Solar Plc launched in July 2017 a stock option program, which aims at encouraging key personnel to work for the company’s success in the long term and at engaging them to generate value […]