Articles of association

Articles of Association 1 § Registered name and domicile The registered name of the company is Savosolar Oyj, in Swedish Savosolar Abp and in English Savosolar Plc. The domicile of the company is Mikkeli. 2 § Line of business The line of business of the company is design, manufacturing and sale of energy systems that […]

Risk management

General risks and factors of uncertainty concerning operations The most significant risks involved in Savosolar’s business are the ability to win new projects to achieve growth in line with the strategy, the sufficiency of the necessary working capital, and the ability to increase the efficiency of operations so as to turn the operations profitable. War […]

Insider management and holdings

Insider management and holdings Savosolar complies with the Guidelines for Insiders by the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. at any given time in force. Savosolar Plc’s own Insider Instructions include a summary on company-specific principles as well as the Nasdaq instructions, and these documents shall be considered together as Savosolar Plc’s Insider Instructions. Savosolar Plc Insider instructions […]


Auditing External auditing verifies that the financial statements give correct and sufficient information on the company’s financial performance and financial position during the financial period. The auditor submits an auditing report required by law to the company’s shareholders together with the company’s annual financial statements. Audits during the financial period are reported to the Board […]

Executive Management Group

Executive Management Group   Managing Director and Sales Jari Varjotie Born in 1960, M.Sc. (Production Technology)   Jari Varjotie is the Managing Director of Savosolar since 20 November 2010 and has over 30 years of experience as an industrialist. Before working at Savosolar, Jari Varjotie worked at Winwind Oy during 2007–2010. During his time there […]

Board members

Members of the Board   Eero Auranne, Chairman   Born in 1959, M. Sc. (Electrical Engineering) Member of the Board since August 2018 and Chairman of the Board since April 2020. Independent of the company and of the larger shareholders. Key work experience – Empower Oyj, CEO 2012-2017 – ÅF AB, President of Energy Division […]

Annual general meeting

General Meeting of Shareholders The General Meeting of shareholders is the highest decision-making body of the company. The company’s Board of Directors convenes the General Meeting annually within six months of the end of the financial period. As stipulated in the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) decides on the adoption of the […]

Governance principles

Governance principles Savosolar organizes its administration in accordance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act and the Articles of Association. The administration of Savosolar also complies with rules and instructions concerning it, issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority and NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Savosolar´s shares are  listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Sweden and […]


Savosolar is a Finnish company that manufactures internationally award-winning solar thermal Global environmental trends with strong emphasis on renewable energy offer a huge potential for Savosolar. The company has ever since its foundation in 2009 had the ambition to take the solar thermal technology to the next level. Deliveries of effective solar thermal collectors started […]