Correction: Savosolar Plc’s half-year report for January–June 2022

Savosolar corrects the release published on 18 August 2022 at 8.30 (CEST). Word “Insider Information” has been added to the basic information line and the text “Savosolar Plc discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”). The information was submitted for publication by the aforementioned person on 18 […]

Savosolar Plc’s half-year report for January–June 2022

Savosolar Plc Half-year report                18 August 2022 at 8.30 (CEST) Savosolar Plc’s half-year report for January–June 2022 Key figures and significant events in January–June 2022 Savosolar’s revenue in January–June amounted to EUR 2.1 million (January–June 2021: EUR 1.6 million). Operating result (EBIT) amounted to EUR -2.4 (-2.2) million. Net result for the period stood […]